ShapesDoPlot Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for ShapesDoPlot:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void setPlots (List plots)
void setExpnames (Map expnames)
void setIrns (Map irns)
void setDsids (Map dsids)
void setYaids (Map yaids)
void setCkbxs (Map ckbxs)
void setEcms (Map ecms)
void setVars (Map vars)
void setYlinlog (String ylinlog)
Link getChart1 ()
XYIntervalSeries getDataSeries (int n, YAxis yaxis)
StreamResponse onChart (final int width, final int height, final int numberRun, int number)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 51 of file

Member Function Documentation

void setPlots ( List  plots  ) 

Definition at line 80 of file

00080 { _plots=plots; _nplots=_plots.size()-1; }

void setExpnames ( Map  expnames  ) 

Definition at line 81 of file

00081 { _expnames = expnames; }

void setIrns ( Map  irns  ) 

Definition at line 82 of file

00082 { _irns = irns; }

void setDsids ( Map  dsids  ) 

Definition at line 83 of file

00083 { _dsids = dsids; }

void setYaids ( Map  yaids  ) 

Definition at line 84 of file

00084 { _yaids = yaids; }

void setCkbxs ( Map  ckbxs  ) 

Definition at line 85 of file

00085 { _ckbxs = ckbxs; }

void setEcms ( Map  ecms  ) 

Definition at line 86 of file

00086 { _ecms = ecms; }

void setVars ( Map  vars  ) 

Definition at line 87 of file

00087 { _vars = vars; }

void setYlinlog ( String  ylinlog  ) 

Definition at line 88 of file

00088 { _ylinlog = ylinlog; } 

Link getChart1 (  ) 

Definition at line 109 of file

References ShapesDoPlot.getDataSeries().

00109                            {    
00110         if (numberRun > 10000) {
00111             numberRun=0;
00112         }
00113         numberRun += _nplots+1;
00114         int _nn = -1;
00115         for (int n = 0; n<=_nplots; n++){
00116            if( _ckbxs.get(n) ){         
00117              _nn += 1;
00118              XYIntervalSeries series = getDataSeries(n,getYAxis(n));
00119              seriesMap.put(numberRun+_nn,series);
00120            }  
00121         }
00122         return _resources.createActionLink("chart", false, new Object[]{"400","400",numberRun,_nn+1});
00123     }

XYIntervalSeries getDataSeries ( int  n,
YAxis  yaxis 

Definition at line 125 of file

Referenced by ShapesDoPlot.getChart1().

00125                                                              {
00126         XAxis _xaxis =  yaxis.getDataset().getXAxis(1);
00127         for (String comment : yaxis.getDataset().getComments()){
00128             titlestring = comment;
00129         }
00130 //        XYIntervalSeries series = new  XYIntervalSeries(yaxis.getDataset().getPaper().getSpiresId());
00131         XYIntervalSeries series = new  XYIntervalSeries(
00132         _expnames.get(n)
00133         .concat("/")
00134         .concat(_irns.get(n).toString())
00135         .concat("/")
00136         .concat(_dsids.get(n).toString())
00137         .concat("/")
00138         .concat(_yaids.get(n).toString())
00139         .concat("/")
00140         .concat(_ecms.get(n))
00141         );
00142         for (int ip=1; ip<=yaxis.getPoints().size(); ip++){
00143             double y = yaxis.getPoint(ip).getValue();
00144             double eplus = 0.0;
00145             double eminus = 0.0;
00146             for (Uncertainty e : yaxis.getPoint(ip).getErrors()){
00147                eplus = eplus + e.getPlus()*e.getPlus(); 
00148                eminus = eminus - e.getMinus()*e.getMinus(); 
00149             }
00150             eplus = Math.sqrt(eplus);
00151             eminus = Math.sqrt(eminus);
00152             double yhigh = y + eplus;
00153             double ylow = y - eplus;
00154             double x;
00155             double xhigh;
00156             double xlow;
00157             if(_xaxis.getBin(ip).getLowValue() != null  && _xaxis.getBin(ip).getHighValue() != null){
00158                 x = (_xaxis.getBin(ip).getLowValue()+_xaxis.getBin(ip).getHighValue())/2;
00159                 xlow =  _xaxis.getBin(ip).getLowValue();
00160                 xhigh =  _xaxis.getBin(ip).getHighValue();
00161             }
00162             else{
00163                 x = _xaxis.getBin(ip).getFocus();
00164                 xhigh = _xaxis.getBin(ip).getFocus();
00165                 xlow = _xaxis.getBin(ip).getFocus();
00166             }
00167             series.add(x,xlow,xhigh,y,ylow,yhigh);
00168         }
00169             return series;
00170     }

StreamResponse onChart ( final int  width,
final int  height,
final int  numberRun,
int  number 

Definition at line 171 of file

00171                                                                                                      {
00173         final XYIntervalSeriesCollection collection = new XYIntervalSeriesCollection();
00174         for (int n=0; n<number; n++){
00175             XYIntervalSeries series = (XYIntervalSeries) seriesMap.get(numberRun+n);
00176             seriesMap.remove(numberRun+n);
00177             collection.addSeries(series);
00178         }
00179         IntervalXYDataset data1 = collection;
00181         final XYItemRenderer renderer1 = new XYErrorRenderer();
00182         final Range rangex = new Range(0.0,1.0);
00183         System.out.println(rangex.toString());
00184         final NumberAxis rangeAxisX = new NumberAxis(getYAxis(0).getDataset().getXAxis(1).getHeader());
00185         rangeAxisX.setRange(rangex);
00186 //        rangeAxisX.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false);
00187         NumberAxis rangeAxisY = null;
00188         String _label = getYAxis(0).getHeader();
00189         System.out.println("log lin is " + _ylinlog);
00190         if(_ylinlog.equals("YLIN")) { 
00191            rangeAxisY = new NumberAxis(_label);
00192         } 
00193         else{
00194             rangeAxisY = new LogarithmicAxis(_label);
00195             ((LogarithmicAxis)rangeAxisY).setAllowNegativesFlag(true);
00196             ((LogarithmicAxis)rangeAxisY).setAutoRangeNextLogFlag(true);
00197         }
00198         final XYPlot subplot1 = new XYPlot(data1, rangeAxisX, rangeAxisY, renderer1);
00199         final TextTitle title = new TextTitle(titlestring);
00200         final JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(subplot1);
00201         chart.addSubtitle(title);
00202         return new StreamResponse(){
00203             public String getContentType(){
00204                 return "image/png";
00205             }
00206             public InputStream getStream() throws IOException {
00207                 BufferedImage image  = chart.createBufferedImage(width, height);
00208                 ByteArrayOutputStream byteArray = new ByteArrayOutputStream() ;
00209                 ChartUtilities.writeBufferedImageAsPNG(byteArray, image) ;
00210                 return new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray.toByteArray());
00211             }
00212             public void prepareResponse(Response response){}
00213         };
00214     }

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