Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
EnumUserType< E extends Enum< E >>
AxisAn Axis is a property of a Dataset, containing a header and description and a set of either bins or points
AxisErrorAn Uncertainty which applies to a whole y-axis of points, i.e
AxisPropertyAn AxisProperty is an attribute of a YAxis
AxisReactionA Reaction with attached y-axes
BinA Bin contains binning information, such as (weighted) central value, upper and lower limits and width An XAxis has one or more Bins
DataA minimal container class for Papers
DatasetA single result set within a Paper Contains header information and a collection of Axis objects
DatasetErrorAn Uncertainty which applies to a whole set of axes and points, i.e
DatasetPropertyA DatasetProperty is an attribute of a Dataset
ExperimentAn experiment which collected some data stored in the database
ObservableAn observable that corresponds to any number of YAxiss
ObservableGroupA grouping of several similar Observables
PaperA published document containing one or many Datasets
ParticleA particle in a Reaction's final state or initial state collection
PointA data point value with associated point-level errors
PointErrorAn Uncertainty which applies to one point only, i.e
PropertyA Property is an abstract base class for the properties stored by YAxiss and Datasets
ReactionA process with initial and final states defined in terms of Particles
ReactionGroupA grouping of several similar Reactions
ReferenceOne way of referencing a published paper, for example the hep-ex number, the journal reference, the institute's preprint code, etc
StoreableBase class for any persistable HepData objects
UncertaintyAn error value with positive and negative extent, a source type and a normalisation
ValueA point on either an X or Y axis
XAxisAn XAxis contains header information and a set of Bins
YAxisA YAxis contains header information, a set of Points, a set of AxisErrors and a description, which includes AxisPropertys, a Reaction and an Observable

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