
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 package cedar.hepdata.webapp;
00003 import cedar.hepdata.model.*;
00004 import cedar.hepdata.xml.*;
00005 import cedar.hepdata.db.*;
00006 import org.hibernate.Query;
00008 import java.io.*;
00009 import java.util.*;
00010 import javax.servlet.*;
00011 import javax.servlet.http.*;
00018 public class DbDemo extends HttpServlet {
00021     public String getServletInfo() {
00022         return "Demonstrate object model and persistency.";
00023     }
00027     public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {
00028         response.setContentType("text/html");
00029         PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
00031         try {
00032             out.println("<h1>Model-db demo</h1>");
00033             DbUtils.beginTransaction();
00034             String qstr = "select distinct p from Paper as p";
00035             qstr += " left join fetch p._datasets as d";
00036             //qstr += " join fetch d._xAxes as xax";
00037             //qstr += " join fetch xax._bins as bin";
00038             //qstr += " join fetch d._yAxes as yax";
00039             //qstr += " join fetch yax._points as pt";
00040             //qstr += " join fetch pt._errors as pterr";
00041             Query q = DbUtils.createQuery(qstr);
00042             List results = q.list();
00043             if (results != null) {
00044                 for (Object result : results) {
00045                     Paper p = (Paper) result;
00046                     out.println("<div style=\"background:#c6deff; border:#82cafa 1px solid; margin:2em 1em; padding:1em; width:80%;\">");
00047                     out.println("<h2>" + p.getSpiresId().toString() + "</h2>");
00048                     out.println("<pre style=\"background:#ffc; border:#fc3 1px solid; padding:1em; overflow:hidden; \">" + p.toString() + "</pre>");
00049                     out.println("<pre style=\"background:#ffc; border:#fc3 1px solid; padding:1em;\">" + XMLUtils.makeHepMLString(p) + "</pre>");
00050                     out.println("</div>");
00051                 }
00052             }
00053             DbUtils.endTransaction();
00055         } catch (Exception e) {
00056             out.println("Exception: " + e.toString());
00057         }
00059     }
00060 }

Generated on Tue Apr 21 15:55:00 2009 for HepData Web servlets by  doxygen 1.5.5