Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 package cedar.hepdata.webapp.pages;
00003 import cedar.hepdata.model.*;
00004 import cedar.hepdata.xml.*;
00005 import cedar.hepdata.db.*;
00007 import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.*;
00008 import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.*;
00009 import*;
00011 import org.hibernate.*;
00012 import org.hibernate.criterion.*;
00013 import java.util.*;
00016 public class ConstructQueryPaper{
00019     public static Query QueryString(String queryString, String flag,  org.hibernate.Session _session){
00020 //
00021 //start by removing the FIND at the beginning of the query if it is present
00022        int ix = -1; 
00023        if(queryString.toUpperCase().startsWith("F ") ||
00024           queryString.toUpperCase().startsWith("FI ") ||
00025           queryString.toUpperCase().startsWith("FIN ") ||
00026           queryString.toUpperCase().startsWith("FIND ")){
00027           ix = queryString.indexOf(" ");
00028        }
00030 // deal with > and < with no spacings, taking care of the reaction --> 
00031        queryString=queryString.replaceAll("<"," < ");
00032        queryString=queryString.replaceAll(">"," > ");
00033        queryString=queryString.replaceAll("- >","->");
00036 // these next lines are for the special queries on on event shapes etc... 
00037        if( queryString.toUpperCase().equals("EVENTSHAPES") ){
00038           return EventShapes(flag,_session);
00039        }
00040        else if( queryString.toUpperCase().equals("EVENTSHAPESEE") ){
00041           return EventShapesEE(flag,_session);
00042        }
00043        else if( queryString.toUpperCase().equals("EVENTSHAPESNOTEE") ){
00044           return EventShapesNotEE(flag,_session);
00045        }
00046        else if( queryString.toUpperCase().equals("JETPRODUCTION") ){
00047           return JetProduction(flag,_session);
00048        }
00049        else if( queryString.toUpperCase().equals("JETPRODUCTIONEE") ){
00050           return JetProductionEE(flag,_session);
00051        }
00052        else if( queryString.toUpperCase().equals("JETPRODUCTIONNOTEE") ){
00053           return JetProductionNotEE(flag,_session);
00054        }
00055        System.out.println("query: " + queryString);
00056 //
00058        String words[] = queryString.substring(ix+1).toUpperCase().split("\\s+AND\\s+");
00059        String reaction = null;
00060        String observable = null;
00061        String sqrts = null;
00062        String spiresid = null;
00063        String redid = null;
00064        String experiment = null;
00065        String author = null;
00066        String reference = null;
00067        String date = null;
00068        String datetype = "=";
00069        System.out.println(queryString);
00070        for (int i=0; i<words.length; i++){
00071            String parts[] = words[i].split("\\s+");
00072            if( parts[0].equals("RE") || parts[0].equals("REAC") || parts[0].equals("REACTION") ) { 
00073                reaction = parts[1];
00074                for (int j=2; j<parts.length; j++){
00075                    if(parts[j].equals("HADRONS")){parts[j] = "2HADRON";}
00076                    if(parts[j].equals("JETS")){parts[j] = "2JET";}
00077                    reaction = reaction.concat(" " + parts[j]);
00078                }
00079            }
00080            if(parts[0].equals("OBS")) {observable = parts[1];}
00081            if(parts[0].equals("IRN")) {spiresid = parts[1];}
00082            if(parts[0].equals("RED")) {redid = parts[1];}
00083            if(parts[0].equals("EXP") || parts[0].equals("DE") || parts[0].equals("CN")) {experiment = parts[1];}
00084            if(parts[0].equals("AUTH") || parts[0].equals("A") || parts[0].equals("AUTHOR") ) {author = parts[1];}
00085            if(parts[0].equals("SQRTS") || parts[0].equals("ECM")) {sqrts = parts[1];}
00086            if(parts[0].equals("REF") || parts[0].equals("R") ) {
00087                reference = parts[1];
00088                for (int j=2; j<parts.length; j++){
00089                    reference = reference.concat(" " + parts[j]);
00090                }
00091            }
00092            if(parts[0].equals("DATE") || parts[0].equals("YEAR") || parts[0].equals("D") ) {
00093                int next = 1;
00094                if(parts[1].equals("<") || 
00095                   parts[1].equals(">") ){
00096                   datetype=parts[1];
00097                   next=2;
00098                }
00099                date = parts[next];
00100                for (int j=next+1; j<parts.length; j++){
00101                    date = date.concat(" " + parts[j]);
00102                }
00103            System.out.println(datetype);
00104            }
00105            if(parts[0].equals("FSP")){
00106                if(parts[1].equals("HADRONS")){parts[1] = "2HADRON";}
00107                if(parts[1].equals("JETS")){parts[1] = "2JET";}
00108                reaction = "--> " + parts[1];
00109            }
00110             if(parts[0].equals("FS")){
00111                if(parts[1].equals("HADRONS")){parts[1] = "2HADRON";}
00112                if(parts[1].equals("JETS")){parts[1] = "2JET";}
00113                reaction = "--> " + parts[1];
00114                for (int j=2; j<parts.length; j++){
00115                    if(parts[j].equals("HADRONS")){parts[j] = "2HADRON";}
00116                    if(parts[j].equals("JETS")){parts[j] = "2JET";}
00117                    reaction = reaction.concat(" " + parts[j]);
00118                }
00119            }
00120           if(parts[0].equals("BEAM") || parts[0].equals("TARG")){
00121                reaction = parts[1];
00122            }
00123        }
00124        if(spiresid != null) { return SpiresId(spiresid,flag,_session);}
00125        else if(redid != null) { return RedId(redid,flag,_session);}
00126        else if(author != null) { return Author(author,flag,_session);}
00127        else if(experiment != null) {
00128            if(date  != null){
00129                if(reaction != null || observable != null || sqrts != null){
00130                   return Physics(experiment,date,datetype,reaction,observable,sqrts,flag,_session);
00131                }
00132                else{
00133                   System.out.println("calling ExperimentDate" + experiment + date);
00134                   return ExperimentDate(experiment,date,datetype,flag,_session);
00135                }
00136            }
00137            else{
00138                if(reaction != null || observable != null || sqrts != null){
00139                   return Physics(experiment,date,datetype,reaction,observable,sqrts,flag,_session); 
00140                }
00141                else{
00142                    return Experiment(experiment,flag,_session);
00143                }
00144            }
00145        }
00146        else if(date != null) { 
00147             if(experiment !=null) {   
00148                if(reaction != null || observable != null || sqrts != null){
00149                   return Physics(experiment,date,datetype,reaction,observable,sqrts,flag,_session);
00150                }
00151                else{
00152                   System.out.println("calling ExperimentDate" + experiment + date);
00153                   return ExperimentDate(experiment,date,datetype,flag,_session);
00154                }
00155            }
00156            else{
00157                if(reaction != null || observable != null || sqrts != null){
00158                   return Physics(experiment,date,datetype,reaction,observable,sqrts,flag,_session); 
00159                }
00160                else{
00161                    return Date(date,datetype,flag,_session);
00162                }
00163            }
00164        }
00165        else if(reference != null) { return Reference(reference,flag,_session);}
00166        else{ return Physics(experiment,date,datetype,reaction,observable,sqrts,flag,_session); }
00167     }
00169     public static Query EventShapes(String flag,org.hibernate.Session _session){
00170        Query q=null;         
00171        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00173        if (flag.equals("count")){
00174            b.append("select count(distinct p.PAPER_ID) from Papers p");
00175        }
00176        else{
00177            b.append("select distinct {p.*} from Papers {p}");
00178        }
00179        b.append(",Datasets ds");
00180        b.append(",DsObservables dsobs");
00182        b.append(" where (dsobs.DsObservables like 'dsig/dcol%'");
00183        b.append(" or dsobs.DsObservables like 'dn/dcol%')");
00184        b.append(" and dsobs.DATASET_ID=ds.DATASET_ID");
00186        b.append(" and p.PAPER_ID=ds._paper_PAPER_ID");
00187        b.append(" order by p.SpiresId desc");
00189        if(flag.equals("count")){
00190            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString());
00191        }
00192        else{
00193            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString()).addEntity("p",Paper.class);
00194        }
00195        System.out.println(q.toString());
00196        return q;
00197     }
00198     public static Query EventShapesEE(String flag,org.hibernate.Session _session){
00199        System.out.println("using Special");
00200        Query q=null;         
00201        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00203        if (flag.equals("count")){
00204            b.append("select count(distinct p.PAPER_ID) from Papers p");
00205        }
00206        else{
00207            b.append("select distinct {p.*} from Papers {p}");
00208        }
00209        b.append(",Datasets ds");
00210        b.append(",DsObservables dsobs");
00211        b.append(",DsReactions dsreac");
00213        b.append(" where (dsobs.DsObservables like 'dsig/dcol%'");
00214        b.append(" or dsobs.DsObservables like 'dn/dcol%')");
00215        b.append(" and dsobs.DATASET_ID=ds.DATASET_ID");
00217        b.append(" and dsreac.DsReactions like 'E+ E-%'");
00218        b.append(" and dsreac.DATASET_ID=ds.DATASET_ID"); 
00220        b.append(" and p.PAPER_ID=ds._paper_PAPER_ID");
00221        b.append(" order by p.SpiresId desc");
00223        if(flag.equals("count")){
00224            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString());
00225        }
00226        else{
00227            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString()).addEntity("p",Paper.class);
00228        }
00229        System.out.println(q.toString());
00230        return q;
00231     }
00232     public static Query EventShapesNotEE(String flag,org.hibernate.Session _session){
00233        System.out.println("using Special");
00234        Query q=null;         
00235        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00237        if (flag.equals("count")){
00238            b.append("select count(distinct p.PAPER_ID) from Papers p");
00239        }
00240        else{
00241            b.append("select distinct {p.*} from Papers {p}");
00242        }
00243        b.append(",Datasets ds");
00244        b.append(", DsObservables dsobs");
00245        b.append(", DsReactions dsreac");
00247        b.append(" where (dsobs.DsObservables like 'dsig/dcol%'");
00248        b.append(" or dsobs.DsObservables like 'dn/dcol%')");
00249        b.append(" and dsobs.DATASET_ID=ds.DATASET_ID");
00251        b.append(" and dsreac.DsReactions not like 'E+ E-%'");
00252        b.append(" and dsreac.DATASET_ID=ds.DATASET_ID"); 
00254        b.append(" and p.PAPER_ID=ds._paper_PAPER_ID");
00255        b.append(" order by p.SpiresId desc");
00257        if(flag.equals("count")){
00258            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString());
00259        }
00260        else{
00261            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString()).addEntity("p",Paper.class);
00262        }
00263        System.out.println(q.toString());
00264        return q;
00265     }
00266     public static Query JetProduction(String flag,org.hibernate.Session _session){
00267        System.out.println("using Special");
00268        Query q=null;         
00269        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00271        if (flag.equals("count")){
00272            b.append("select count(distinct p.PAPER_ID) from Papers p");
00273        }
00274        else{
00275            b.append("select distinct {p.*} from Papers {p}");
00276        }
00277        b.append(",Datasets ds");
00278        b.append(",YAxes ya");
00279        b.append(",AxisReactions ar");
00280        b.append(",FinalStates fs");
00282        b.append(" where fs.ParticleName like 'JET'");
00283        b.append(" and fs.REACTION_ID=ar.REACTION_ID");
00284        b.append(" and ar._yAxis_AXIS_ID=ya.AXIS_ID");
00285        b.append(" and ya._dataset_DATASET_ID=ds.DATASET_ID");
00287        b.append(" and p.PAPER_ID=ds._paper_PAPER_ID");
00288        b.append(" order by p.SpiresId desc");
00290        if(flag.equals("count")){
00291            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString());
00292        }
00293        else{
00294            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString()).addEntity("p",Paper.class);
00295        }
00296        System.out.println(q.toString());
00297        return q;
00298     }
00299     public static Query JetProductionEE(String flag,org.hibernate.Session _session){
00300        System.out.println("using Special");
00301        Query q=null;         
00302        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00304        if (flag.equals("count")){
00305            b.append("select count(distinct p.PAPER_ID) from Papers p");
00306        }
00307        else{
00308            b.append("select distinct {p.*} from Papers {p}");
00309        }
00310        b.append(",Datasets ds");
00311        b.append(",YAxes ya");
00312        b.append(",AxisReactions ar");
00313        b.append(",FinalStates fs");
00314        b.append(", DsReactions dsreac");
00316        b.append(" where dsreac.DsReactions like 'E+ E-%'");
00317        b.append(" and dsreac.DATASET_ID=ds.DATASET_ID"); 
00319        b.append(" and fs.ParticleName like 'JET'");
00320        b.append(" and fs.REACTION_ID=ar.REACTION_ID");
00321        b.append(" and ar._yAxis_AXIS_ID=ya.AXIS_ID");
00322        b.append(" and ya._dataset_DATASET_ID=ds.DATASET_ID");
00324        b.append(" and p.PAPER_ID=ds._paper_PAPER_ID");
00325        b.append(" order by p.SpiresId desc");
00327        if(flag.equals("count")){
00328            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString());
00329        }
00330        else{
00331            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString()).addEntity("p",Paper.class);
00332        }
00333        System.out.println(q.toString());
00334        return q;
00335     }
00336     public static Query JetProductionNotEE(String flag,org.hibernate.Session _session){
00337        System.out.println("using Special");
00338        Query q=null;         
00339        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00341        if (flag.equals("count")){
00342            b.append("select count(distinct p.PAPER_ID) from Papers p");
00343        }
00344        else{
00345            b.append("select distinct {p.*} from Papers {p}");
00346        }
00347        b.append(",Datasets ds");
00348        b.append(",YAxes ya");
00349        b.append(",AxisReactions ar");
00350        b.append(",FinalStates fs");
00351        b.append(", DsReactions dsreac");
00353        b.append(" where dsreac.DsReactions not like 'E+ E-%'");
00354        b.append(" and dsreac.DATASET_ID=ds.DATASET_ID"); 
00356        b.append(" and fs.ParticleName like 'JET'");
00357        b.append(" and fs.REACTION_ID=ar.REACTION_ID");
00358        b.append(" and ar._yAxis_AXIS_ID=ya.AXIS_ID");
00359        b.append(" and ya._dataset_DATASET_ID=ds.DATASET_ID");
00361        b.append(" and p.PAPER_ID=ds._paper_PAPER_ID");
00362        b.append(" order by p.SpiresId desc");
00364        if(flag.equals("count")){
00365            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString());
00366        }
00367        else{
00368            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString()).addEntity("p",Paper.class);
00369        }
00370        System.out.println(q.toString());
00371        return q;
00372     }
00374     public static Query Experiment(String experiment,String flag,org.hibernate.Session _session){
00375        System.out.println("using Experiment");
00376        String theExp=experiment;
00377        Query q=null;         
00378        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00380        if (flag.equals("count")){
00381            b.append("select count(distinct p) from Paper p");
00382        }
00383        else{
00384            b.append("select distinct p from Paper p");
00385        }
00386        b.append(" join p._experiments exp");
00387        b.append(" where (exp._name like '%");
00388        b.append(experiment);
00389        b.append("%'");
00390        b.append(" or exp._informalName like '%");
00391        b.append(experiment);
00392        b.append("%')");
00393        b.append(" order by p._spiresId desc");
00394        q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00395        System.out.println(q.toString());
00396 //       q.setString("exp",theExp);
00398        return q;
00399     }
00401     public static Query ExperimentDate(String experiment,String date,String datetype,String flag,org.hibernate.Session _session){
00402        System.out.println("using ExperimentDate");
00403        String theDate=date;
00404        String theExp=experiment;
00405        Query q=null;         
00406        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00408        if (flag.equals("count")){
00409            b.append("select count(distinct p) from Paper p");
00410        }
00411        else{
00412            b.append("select distinct p from Paper p");
00413        }
00414        b.append(" join p._experiments exp");
00415        b.append(" join p._references ref");
00416        b.append(" where (exp._name like '%");
00417        b.append(experiment);
00418        b.append("%'");
00419        b.append(" or exp._informalName like '%");
00420        b.append(experiment);
00421        b.append("%')");
00423        if(datetype.equals("=")){
00424            b.append(" and ref._date like '%");
00425            b.append(date);
00426            b.append("'");
00427        }
00428        else{
00429            b.append(" and ref._date " + datetype);
00430            b.append(date);
00431            b.append(" and ref._date not like ''");
00432        }   
00433        b.append(" order by p._spiresId desc");
00435        q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00436        System.out.println(q.toString());
00437 //       q.setString("date",theDate);
00439        return q;
00440     }
00442     public static Query Reference(String reference,String flag,  org.hibernate.Session _session){
00443        System.out.println("using Reference");
00444        String theRef=reference;
00445        Query q=null;         
00446        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00448        if (flag.equals("count")){
00449            b.append("select count(distinct p) from Paper p");
00450        }
00451        else{
00452            b.append("select distinct p from Paper p");
00453        }
00454        b.append(" join p._references ref");
00455        b.append(" where ref._description like '");
00456        b.append(reference);
00457        b.append("'");
00458        b.append(" order by p._spiresId desc");
00459        q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00460 //       q.setString("ref",theRef);
00462        return q;
00463     }
00465     public static Query Date(String date,String datetype,String flag,  org.hibernate.Session _session){
00466        System.out.println("using Date");
00467        String theDate=date;
00468        Query q=null;         
00469        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00471        if (flag.equals("count")){
00472            b.append("select count(distinct p) from Paper p");
00473        }
00474        else{
00475            b.append("select distinct p from Paper p");
00476        }
00477        b.append(" join p._references ref");
00478        if(datetype.equals("=")){
00479            b.append(" where ref._date like '%");
00480            b.append(date);
00481            b.append("'");
00482         }
00483         else{
00484            b.append(" where ref._date " + datetype);
00485            b.append(date);
00486            b.append(" and ref._date not like ''");
00487         }   
00488        b.append(" order by p._spiresId desc");
00489        q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00490 //       q.setString("date",theDate);
00492        return q;
00493     }
00495     public static Query SpiresId(String spiresid,String flag,  org.hibernate.Session _session){
00496        System.out.println("using SpiresId");
00497        String theIrn=spiresid;
00498        Query q=null;         
00499        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00501        if (flag.equals("count")){
00502            b.append("select count(distinct p) from Paper p");
00503        }
00504        else{
00505            b.append("select distinct p from Paper p");
00506        }
00507        b.append(" where p._spiresId like '");
00508        b.append(spiresid);
00509        b.append("' order by p._spiresId desc");
00510        q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00511 //       q.setString("exp",theExp);
00513        return q;
00514     }
00516     public static Query RedId(String redid,String flag,  org.hibernate.Session _session){
00517        System.out.println("using RedId");
00518        Query q=null;         
00519        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00521        if (flag.equals("count")){
00522            b.append("select count(distinct p) from Paper p");
00523        }
00524        else{
00525            b.append("select distinct p from Paper p");
00526        }
00527        b.append(" where p._redId like '");
00528        b.append(redid);
00529        b.append("' order by p._spiresId desc");
00530        q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00532        return q;
00533     }
00535     public static Query Author(String author,String flag,  org.hibernate.Session _session){
00536        String theAuth=author;
00537        Query q=null;         
00538        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00540        if (flag.equals("count")){
00541            b.append("select count(p.HepdataId) from Papers p, PaperAuthors pa");
00542        }
00543        else{
00544            b.append("select * from Papers p, PaperAuthors pa");
00545       }
00546        b.append(" where p.PAPER_ID=pa.PAPER_ID");
00547        b.append(" and pa.element like '");
00548        b.append(author);
00549        b.append("' order by p.SpiresId desc");
00550        if(flag.equals("count")){
00551            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString());
00552        }
00553        else{
00554            q = _session.createSQLQuery(b.toString()).addEntity("p",Paper.class);
00555        }
00556        return q;
00557     }
00560     public static Query Physics(String experiment, String date, String datetype, String reaction, String observable, String sqrts, String flag, org.hibernate.Session _session){
00561        System.out.println("using Physics");
00563         List <String> isp = new ArrayList();
00564         List  <String> fsp = new ArrayList();
00565         List <String>  mfsp = new ArrayList();
00566         List <String>  misp = new ArrayList();
00568         System.out.println("Here we are in Papers");
00569         System.out.println("sorting reaction: " + reaction);
00571         if( reaction != null && !reaction.equals("") && !reaction.equals("null")) {
00573             String is = getInitialState(reaction);
00574             java.util.StringTokenizer stis = new java.util.StringTokenizer(is);
00575             String st = "";
00576             while(stis.hasMoreTokens()){
00577                 st = stis.nextToken();
00578                 if(st.matches("^[A-Za-z].*")){
00579                     if(isp.isEmpty()){
00580                         isp.add(st);
00581                         misp.add("1");
00582                     }
00583                     else{
00584                         int isize = isp.size();
00585                         for (int i=0; i<isize; i++){
00586                             if(isp.get(i).equals(st)){
00587                                 int n = Integer.parseInt(misp.get(i));
00588                                 n += 1;
00589                                 misp.set(i,Integer.toString(n));
00590                             }
00591                             else{
00592                                 isp.add(st);
00593                                 misp.add("1");
00594                             }
00595                         }
00596                     }   
00597                 }
00598                 else{
00599                     isp.add(st.substring(1));
00600                     misp.add(st.substring(0,1));
00601                 }
00602 //             isp.add(stis.nextToken());
00603             }
00604             String fs = getFinalState(reaction);
00605             java.util.StringTokenizer stfs = new java.util.StringTokenizer(fs);
00606             while(stfs.hasMoreTokens()){
00607                 st = stfs.nextToken();
00608                 if(st.matches("^[A-Za-z].*")){
00609                     if(fsp.isEmpty()){
00610                         fsp.add(st);
00611                         mfsp.add("1");
00612                     }
00613                     else{
00614                         int fsize = fsp.size();
00615                         for (int i=0; i<fsize; i++){
00616                             if(fsp.get(i).equals(st)){
00617                                 int n = Integer.parseInt(mfsp.get(i));
00618                                 n += 1;
00619                                 mfsp.set(i,Integer.toString(n));
00620                             }
00621                             else{
00622                                 fsp.add(st);
00623                                 mfsp.add("1");
00624                             }
00625                         }
00626                     }   
00627                 }
00628                 else{
00629                     fsp.add(st.substring(1));
00630                     mfsp.add(st.substring(0,1));
00631                 }
00632             }
00633         }
00634         String theObs = "";
00635         if ( observable != null && !observable.equals("") && !observable.equals("null") ) { theObs  = observable;  }
00637         String theSqrtsLo = "";
00638         System.out.println("sqrts is: " + sqrts);
00639         if ( sqrts != null && !sqrts.equals("") && !sqrts.equals("null")) { theSqrtsLo  = sqrts; System.out.println(sqrts); }
00641         Query q = null;
00643         // the string buffer way!!
00644         StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
00646         if(isp.size() > 0){
00647 //select...
00648             System.out.println("we have an intial state " + isp + "/" + misp);
00649             System.out.println("and final state " + fsp + "/" + mfsp );
00650             System.out.println("and observable " + observable);
00651             if (flag.equals("count")){
00652                 b.append("select count(distinct pbeam) from Paper pbeam");
00653             }
00654             else{
00655                 b.append("select distinct pbeam from Paper pbeam");
00656             }
00657 //joins....
00658             if(experiment != null) {b.append(" join pbeam._experiments exp");}
00659             if(date       != null) {b.append(" join pbeam._references ref");}
00660             b.append(" join pbeam._datasets dsbeam");
00661             b.append(" join dsbeam._yAxes yabeam");
00662             b.append(" join yabeam._reactions yrbeam");
00663             b.append(" join yrbeam._initialState beam"); 
00664             if (isp.size() > 1){ 
00665                 b.append(",Paper ptarg");
00666                 b.append(" join ptarg._datasets dstarg");
00667                 b.append(" join dstarg._yAxes yatarg");
00668                 b.append(" join yatarg._reactions yrtarg");
00669                 b.append(" join yrtarg._initialState targ"); 
00670             }
00671             for (int i = 1 ; i <= fsp.size(); i++){ 
00672                b.append(",Paper pfsp"+i);
00673                b.append(" join pfsp"+i+"._datasets dsfsp"+i); 
00674                b.append(" join dsfsp"+i+"._yAxes yafsp"+i);
00675                b.append(" join yafsp"+i+"._reactions yrfsp"+i);
00676                b.append(" join yrfsp"+i+"._finalState fsp"+i);
00677             }
00678             if( theSqrtsLo != null && !theSqrtsLo.equals("") && !theSqrtsLo.equals("null") ){
00679                b.append(",Paper pprop");
00680                b.append(" join pprop._datasets dsprop");
00681                b.append(" join dsprop._yAxes yaprop");
00682                b.append(" join yaprop._properties prop");
00683             }
00684 //where...
00685             b.append(" where like :beampart and beam.multiplicity=:beammult");
00686             if(experiment != null){       
00687                 b.append(" and (exp._name like '%");
00688                 b.append(experiment);
00689                 b.append("%'");
00690                 b.append(" or exp._informalName like '%");
00691                 b.append(experiment);
00692                 b.append("%')");
00693             }
00694             if(date != null){
00695                 if(datetype.equals("=")){       
00696                     b.append(" and ref._date like '%");
00697                     b.append(date);
00698                     b.append("'");}
00699                 else{
00700                     b.append(" and ref._date " + datetype);
00701                     b.append(date);
00702                     b.append(" and ref._date not like ''");
00703                 }
00704             }
00705             if (isp.size() > 1){ 
00706                 b.append(" and");  
00707                 b.append(" and yrbeam = yrtarg");
00708             } 
00709             for (int i = 1 ; i <= fsp.size(); i++){ 
00710                b.append(" and fsp"+i+".name like :fsp"+i+"part and fsp"+i+".multiplicity=:fsp"+i+"mult");
00711                b.append(" and yrbeam = yrfsp"+i);
00712             }
00713             if ( theObs != null && !theObs.equals("") && !theObs.equals("null") ) { b.append(" and yabeam._observable like:observable"); } 
00714             if ( theSqrtsLo != null && !theSqrtsLo.equals("") && !theSqrtsLo.equals("null") ){
00715                 b.append(" and yabeam = yaprop");
00716                 b.append(" and prop._name like 'sqrts' and prop._lowValue>:sqrtslo");
00717             }
00718 // sort 
00719             b.append(" order by pbeam._spiresId desc");
00720 //create query
00721 //make substitutions
00722             q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00723             q.setString("beampart",isp.get(0));
00724             q.setString("beammult",misp.get(0));
00725             if (isp.size() > 1)  {q.setString( "targpart",isp.get(1)); }
00726             for (int i = 1 ; i <= fsp.size(); i++){
00727                 q.setString( "fsp"+i+"part",fsp.get(i-1));
00728                 q.setString( "fsp"+i+"mult",mfsp.get(i-1)); 
00729             }
00730 //            System.out.println(q.toString());
00731             if ( theObs != null && !theObs.equals("") && !theObs.equals("null") ) {q.setString( "observable",theObs); }
00732             if ( theSqrtsLo != null && !theSqrtsLo.equals("") && !theSqrtsLo.equals("null") ) {q.setString( "sqrtslo",theSqrtsLo); }
00733         }
00735         // no inital state so next assuming we have a fsp
00736         else if(fsp.size() > 0) {
00737 //select(no initialstate)...
00738             if (flag.equals("count")){
00739                 b.append("select count(distinct pfsp1) from Paper pfsp1");
00740             }
00741             else{
00742                 b.append("select distinct pfsp1 from Paper pfsp1");
00743             }
00744 //joins(no initialstate)...
00745             if(experiment != null) {b.append(" join pfsp1._experiments exp");}
00746             if(date       != null) {b.append(" join pfsp1._references ref");}
00747             b.append(" join pfsp1._datasets dsfsp1");
00748             b.append(" join dsfsp1._yAxes yafsp1");
00749             b.append(" join yafsp1._reactions yrfsp1");
00750             b.append(" join yrfsp1._finalState fsp1"); 
00751             for (int i = 2 ; i <= fsp.size(); i++){ 
00752                b.append(",Paper pfsp"+i);
00753                b.append(" join pfsp"+i+"._datasets dsfsp"+i);
00754                b.append(" join dsfsp"+i+"._yAxes yafsp"+i);
00755                b.append(" join yafsp"+i+"._reactions yrfsp"+i);
00756                b.append(" join yrfsp"+i+"._finalState fsp"+i);
00757             }
00758             if ( theSqrtsLo != null && !theSqrtsLo.equals("") && !theSqrtsLo.equals("null") ) {
00759                b.append(",Paper pprop");
00760                b.append(" join pprop._datasets dsprop");
00761                b.append(" join dsprop._yAxes yaprop");
00762                b.append(" join yaprop._properties prop");
00763             }  
00764 //where(no initialstate)...
00765             b.append(" where like :fsp1part and fsp1.multiplicity=:fsp1mult"); 
00766             if(experiment != null){       
00767                 b.append(" and (exp._name like '%");
00768                 b.append(experiment);
00769                 b.append("%'");
00770                 b.append(" or exp._informalName like '%");
00771                 b.append(experiment);
00772                 b.append("%')");
00773             }
00774             if(date != null){       
00775                 if(datetype.equals("=")){       
00776                     b.append(" and ref._date like '%");
00777                     b.append(date);
00778                     b.append("'");}
00779                 else{
00780                     b.append(" and ref._date " + datetype);
00781                     b.append(date);
00782                     b.append(" and ref._date not like ''");
00783                 }
00784             }
00785             for (int i = 2 ; i <= fsp.size(); i++){ 
00786                b.append(" and fsp"+i+".name like :fsp"+i+"part and fsp"+i+".multiplicity=:fsp"+i+"mult");
00787                b.append(" and yrfsp1 = yrfsp"+i);
00788             }
00789             if ( theObs != null && !theObs.equals("") && !theObs.equals("null") ) { b.append(" and yafsp1._observable like:observable"); } 
00790             if ( theSqrtsLo != null && !theSqrtsLo.equals("") && !theSqrtsLo.equals("null") ) {
00791                 b.append(" and yafsp1 = yaprop");
00792                 b.append(" and prop._name like 'sqrts' and prop._lowValue>:sqrtslo");
00793             }
00794             b.append(" order by pfsp1._spiresId desc");
00795 //create query...
00796             q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00797 //make substitutions...
00798             for (int i = 1 ; i <= fsp.size(); i++){
00799               q.setString("fsp"+i+"part",fsp.get(i-1)); 
00800               q.setString("fsp"+i+"mult",mfsp.get(i-1)); 
00801             }
00802             if ( theObs != null && !theObs.equals("") && !theObs.equals("null") ) {q.setString("observable",theObs);}
00803             if ( theSqrtsLo != null && !theSqrtsLo.equals("") && !theSqrtsLo.equals("null") ) {q.setString( "sqrtslo",theSqrtsLo); }
00804         }
00805 // OK no reaction  .. so do we have an observable?
00807         else if ( theObs != null && !theObs.equals("") && !theObs.equals("null") ) {
00808 //> here we have no reaction but an observable
00809             if (flag.equals("count")){
00810                 b.append("select count(distinct pobs) from Paper pobs");
00811             }
00812             else{
00813                 b.append("select distinct pobs from Paper pobs");
00814             }
00815             if(experiment != null) {b.append(" join pobs._experiments exp");}
00816             if(date       != null) {b.append(" join pobs._references ref");}
00817             b.append(" join pobs._datasets dsobs join dsobs._yAxes yaobs"); 
00818             if ( theSqrtsLo != null && !theSqrtsLo.equals("") && !theSqrtsLo.equals("null") ) {
00819                b.append(",Paper pprop");
00820                b.append(" join pprop._datasets dsprop");
00821                b.append(" join dsprop._yAxes yaprop");
00822                b.append(" join yaprop._properties prop");
00823             }  
00824             b.append(" where yaobs._observable like:observable");  
00825             if(experiment != null){       
00826                 b.append(" and (exp._name like '%");
00827                 b.append(experiment);
00828                 b.append("%'");
00829                 b.append(" or exp._informalName like '%");
00830                 b.append(experiment);
00831                 b.append("%')");
00832             }
00833             if(date != null){       
00834                 if(datetype.equals("=")){       
00835                     b.append(" and ref._date like '%");
00836                     b.append(date);
00837                     b.append("'");}
00838                 else{
00839                     b.append(" and ref._date " + datetype);
00840                     b.append(date);
00841                     b.append(" and ref._date not like ''");
00842                 }
00843             }
00844             if ( theSqrtsLo != null && !theSqrtsLo.equals("") && !theSqrtsLo.equals("null") ) {
00845                 b.append(" and yaobs = yaprop");
00846                 b.append(" and prop._name like 'sqrts' and prop._lowValue>:sqrtslo");
00847             }
00848             b.append(" order by pobs._spiresId desc");
00849             q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00850             q.setString("observable",theObs);
00851             if ( theSqrtsLo != null && !theSqrtsLo.equals("") && !theSqrtsLo.equals("null") ) {q.setString( "sqrtslo",theSqrtsLo); }
00852         }
00854 // here if sqrtslo on its own ! just to test 
00855         else if ( theSqrtsLo != null && !theSqrtsLo.equals("") && !theSqrtsLo.equals("null") ) {
00856             if (flag.equals("count")){
00857                 b.append("select count(distinct pprop) from Paper pprop");
00858             }
00859             else{
00860                 b.append("select distinct pprop from Paper pprop");
00861             }
00862             if(experiment != null) {b.append(" join pprop._experiments exp");}
00863             if(date       != null) {b.append(" join pprop._references ref");}
00864             b.append(" join pprop._datasets dsprop");
00865             b.append(" join dsprop._yAxes yaprop");
00866             b.append(" join yaprop._properties prop");
00868             b.append(" where prop._name like 'sqrts' and prop._lowValue>:sqrtslo");
00869             if(experiment != null){       
00870                 b.append(" and (exp._name like '%");
00871                 b.append(experiment);
00872                 b.append("%'");
00873                 b.append(" or exp._informalName like '%");
00874                 b.append(experiment);
00875                 b.append("%')");
00876             }
00877             if(date != null){       
00878                 if(datetype.equals("=")){       
00879                     b.append(" and ref._date like '%");
00880                     b.append(date);
00881                     b.append("'");}
00882                 else{
00883                     b.append(" and ref._date " + datetype);
00884                     b.append(date);
00885                     b.append(" and ref._date not like ''");
00886                 }
00887             }
00888             b.append(" order by pprop._spiresId desc");
00889             q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00890             q.setString("sqrtslo",theSqrtsLo);
00891         }
00892 // nothing left so must want everything !!
00893         else{
00894             if (flag.equals("count")){
00895                 b.append("select count(distinct pa) from Paper pa");
00896             }
00897             else{
00898                 b.append("select distinct pa from Paper pa");
00899             }
00900             b.append(" order by pa._spiresId desc");
00901             q = _session.createQuery(b.toString());
00902         }
00904         System.out.println(q.toString());
00905         return q;
00907     }
00909     private static String getInitialState(String r){
00910         String is="";
00911         int ipos = r.indexOf("-->");
00912         if(ipos > -1 ){ is = r.substring(0,ipos); }
00913         else { is = r; }
00914         return is.trim();
00915     }
00916     private static String getFinalState(String r){
00917         String fs="";
00918         int ipos = r.indexOf("-->");
00919         if(ipos > -1) {fs = r.substring(ipos+3);}
00920         return fs.trim();
00921     }
00922 }

Generated on Tue Apr 21 15:55:00 2009 for HepData Web servlets by  doxygen 1.5.5