
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 package cedar.hepdata.util;
00003 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
00004 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
00006 import org.apache.log4j.*;
00015 public class UnitTerm {
00017     public BaseUnit baseunit;
00020     public SiPrefix prefix;
00024     public Integer power;
00026     // Get a log4j logger
00027     static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UnitTerm.class);
00032     public UnitTerm(BaseUnit baseunit, SiPrefix prefix, Integer power) {
00033         this.baseunit = baseunit;
00034         this.prefix = prefix;
00035         this.power = power;
00036     }
00039     public UnitTerm(UnitTerm otherterm) {
00040         this.baseunit = otherterm.baseunit;
00041         this.prefix = otherterm.prefix;
00042         this.power = otherterm.power;
00043     }
00046     public UnitTerm(String termstr) throws HDUnitException {
00047         fromString(termstr);
00048     }
00053     public UnitTerm fromString(String termstr) throws HDUnitException {
00054         prefix = null;
00055         baseunit = null;
00056         power = null;
00057         for (BaseUnit bu : BaseUnit.values()) {
00058             String baseunitMatches = "("
00059                 + bu.toString() + "|"
00060                 + bu.toString().toUpperCase() + "|"
00061                 + bu.toString().toLowerCase() + ")";
00062             String regex = "\\A(/?)" // division indicator
00063                 + "([YZEPTGMkmunpfazy]?)" // SI prefix patterns
00064                 + baseunitMatches // base unit patterns
00065                 + "(|[-+]\\d+|[E\\^][-+]?\\d+|\\*\\*[-+]?\\d+)\\Z"; // exponent patterns
00066             log.debug(regex);
00067             Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
00068             Matcher m = p.matcher(termstr);
00069             if (m.matches()) {
00070                 // Base unit
00071                 baseunit = bu;
00072                 // SI prefix
00073                 final String prefixstr = m.group(2);
00074                 for (SiPrefix testprefix : SiPrefix.values()) {
00075                     //log.trace(prefixstr + " vs. " + testprefix.toString());
00076                     if (testprefix.toString().equals(prefixstr)) {
00077                         prefix = testprefix;
00078                         break;
00079                     }
00080                 }
00082                 // Power
00083                 String exppart = m.group(4).replaceAll("[\\*\\^E]", "");
00084                 if (exppart.length() == 0) exppart = "1";
00085                 try {
00086                     power = Integer.parseInt(exppart);
00087                 } catch (Exception e) {
00088                     String err = "Could not build a valid unit term from '" + termstr + "'. ";
00089                     err += "Problem with exponent part '" + exppart + "'.";
00090                     throw new HDUnitException(err);
00091                 }
00092                 // Finally, invert the power if this was a division term
00093                 if (m.group(1).length() != 0) {
00094                     power = -power;
00095                 }
00097                 // Stop looping over base units
00098                 break;
00099             }
00100         }
00101         log.debug(prefix + " " + baseunit + " " + power);
00102         if (prefix == null || baseunit == null || power == null) {
00103             throw new HDUnitException("Could not build a valid unit term from '" + termstr + "'");
00104         }
00105         log.info(termstr + " -> [" + prefix.toString() + ", " + baseunit.toString() + ", " + power + "]");
00106         return this;
00107     }
00112     public Double convFactor() {
00113         return Math.pow(10.0, new Double(prefix.powerOf10() * power));
00114     }
00117     public String toString() {
00118         StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
00119         s.append(this.prefix.toString());
00120         s.append(this.baseunit.toString());
00122         if (this.power != 1) {
00123             s.append("^" + this.power);
00124         }
00125         return s.toString();
00126     }
00128     // Override default equals
00129     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
00130         if (this == obj) return true;
00131         if (! (obj instanceof UnitTerm)) return false;
00132         UnitTerm test = (UnitTerm) obj;
00133         if (! test.baseunit.equals(this.baseunit) ) return false;
00134         if (! test.prefix.equals(this.prefix) ) return false;
00135         if (! test.power.equals(this.power) ) return false;
00136         return true;
00137     }
00138 }

Generated on Tue Apr 21 15:54:55 2009 for HepData common classes by  doxygen 1.5.5