Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 package cedar.hepdata.util;
00006 public enum SiPrefix {
00007     YOTTA (24,  "Y", "Y"),
00008     ZETTA (21,  "Z", "Z"),
00009     EXA   (18,  "E", "E"),
00010     PETA  (15,  "P", "P"),
00011     TERA  (12,  "T", "T"),
00012     GIGA  (9,   "G", "G"),
00013     MEGA  (6,   "M", "M"),
00014     KILO  (3,   "k", "k"),
00015     UNIT  (0,   "",  ""),
00016     MILLI (-3,  "m", "m"),
00017     MICRO (-6,  "u", "µ"),
00018     NANO  (-9,  "n", "n"),
00019     PICO  (-12, "p", "p"),
00020     FEMTO (-15, "f", "f"),
00021     ATTO  (-18, "a", "a"),
00022     ZEPTO (-21, "z", "z"),
00023     YOCTA (-24, "y", "y");
00024     private final Integer powerOf10;
00025     private final String asciirep;
00026     private final String htmlrep;
00027     //private final String texrep;
00028     SiPrefix(Integer powerOf10, String asciirep, String htmlrep) {
00029         this.powerOf10 = powerOf10;
00030         this.asciirep = asciirep;
00031         this.htmlrep = htmlrep;
00032     }
00033     public Integer powerOf10() { return powerOf10; }
00034     public String toString() { return asciirep; }
00035     public String toHtmlString() { return htmlrep; }
00036 }

Generated on Tue Apr 21 15:54:54 2009 for HepData common classes by  doxygen 1.5.5